Annnnd I’m back….Again…

I won’t bore you with an update of my life, nor a promise of consistent posts or even content that you will want to see. We all know I am anything but consistent when it comes to this blog, that I pay for, and do not use. At this point, it’s been so long since I last blogged I may as well start from scratch.

Welcome or welcome back to my little corner of the internet. Where I plan to share the little bits of me with the world and hopefully not embarrass myself along the way.

I will say that since my last post in April 2020 I have continued on the book reading, my goal last year was 50 books and I was just short by four! I was so proud of myself considering I had a few months where I didn’t read anything at all. This year I have set it to 50 again with the hope that I will achieve it and maybe even pass it. So far as of today, I am eight books in!

And, I did read Girl, Woman, Other after that post. It is one of my favorite books and I plan on doing a whole heap of belated reviews. Thankfully I kept a reading journal and annotate my books, so I will be able to recall alllll the feels when I make my review posts.

So to kick off the 2022 posts I will share my reading goals for the year:

  • Borrow more books than I buy, use the library and only buy the books I love
  • Read 50 books in the year
  • Read one Non-Fiction book per month/ 12 in the year (I wont be strict on the one per month rule)
  • Read before bed to wind down
  • Use Storygraph to track my reading
  • Fill in my book journal at least once a week and review each book & take notes as much as you can.

Should be doable…

I have of course joined MANY year-long readathons and challenges… “Hi my name is Marteen and I’m addicted to readathons”

I am taking part in the following:

  • Buzzword Reading Challenge by Books and Lala – announcement video (here)
  • Popsugar Reading Challenge – link to post (here)
  • The Avengers Reading Challenge – Instagram page (here)
  • Pondathon II –
  • Disney Lovers Readathon – Instagram page (here)

I *think* that’s all of them…this does not count the monthly ones that I add on top and book clubs or buddy reads 🙃

My Sister, The Serial Killer

I’ve been in the house since 16th March WFH, that’s nearly a good month! Whilst in this lockdown state due to COVID-19 I have picked up more books and already finished the Newgate Bookworms April read. This is a major achievement for me, I’m usually scrambling to finish before the next meeting or not finished at all. This isn’t because the books we pick are rubbish or of no interest to me. I just lacked time to read, so if there are any positives to this lockdown situation, the time to pick up books is one of them.

I decided a while ago that I wanted to write book reviews once completing a book. After feeling so shame that I read through an entire series and forgot the main character dies at the end…I thought it wise I do a book review, real primary school style to make sure I have digested what I’ve read and then share my thoughts on it (if any). This won’t be in-depth, as I read other people’s reviews and think to myself “you’re just not that deep Mart”. Who knows? Maybe in time with a stretched vocabulary.

So here goes, my first review of 2020…

My Sister, The Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

This story is set in Nigeria and follows two sisters Korede and Ayoola. Told from Korede’s point of view, we find her sister, who has committed her third murder (literally that’s how the book opens) shaken up and asking for Korede’s help. “Korede, I killed him.” This is a dark story with some LOL moments that takes Korede on a journey of questioning her morals and having to choose between the man she secretly loves and family.

I like how it was written, quite witty and as I said a few moments where I burst out laughing. I made sure I text my Nigerian friend Edith to get the pronunciation of names correct because I was unsure I was saying Tadey (Ta-dey) correctly and it was annoying me beyond belief! I also liked the short chapters, which kept everything moving along and to the point.

I felt the characters to be authentic and could relate a few of them to real-life people. Annoyingly Tadey (Korede’s love interest) is a typical man and cannot see what is in his face and is swayed by pretty looks with some backwards thinking to go with it…We also got an insight of Korede’s feelings and how she is perceived by others in comparison to her sister and the unfair burden of being a big sister has on her. I also hated their father, and quite rightly so. He couldn’t have been my husband, I would have gone down for murder on more than one occasion from the brief encounters I read in this story. 

I found it to be a real page-turner, often ignoring my family and staying up late whilst getting stuck in. I finished it within six days…but the end left me Triggered with a capital T! We can discuss elsewhere if you have already read it, I don’t want to give too much away.

My Goodreads rating is 4/5

POPSUGAR Reading Challenge: Prompt No.3 – A book wit a great first line

Next Read: Girl, Woman, Other by Bernadine Evaristo

Spotlight Sessions: Scratch&Pout

Scratch&Pout review :o)



One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to take better care of myself, so what a better way than to pamper myself and indulge in the world of nail lacquers!

Scratch&Pout is a new funky, indie brand which supplies some of the most unique and exclusive colours, which are cruelty free and vegan-friendly! Some of the brands that adorn the site are, Crazy Rumours, Floss Gloss, Glamour Doll Eyes, The Balm, Smokey Mountain Lacquers and Trust Fund Beauty.

Many of the brands are not known as well as your standard polishes, such as Barry M or Maybelline – and this is where the magic begins. These smaller brands have niche and unique products that are not widely available in the UK, meaning you will be setting the trend with your new purchase.

SOOOOOO…I, myself, decided to try a few of their nail lacquers and would like to give you a…

View original post 382 more words

The end of an era, and the beginning of another

July 19th 2009 at 01.15am (I think) marked the end of my 9 month swelling and the birth of Jaelyn Merlia. That moment i was no longer Marteen Fraser, I was Mum!!!

Labour was the most pain i’ve been through in all my life, not the tattoo on my neck, not breast feeding as someone suggested (big wooss!). After around 18 hours of hold your breath, roll on the floor, cry roughly 3 times pain, my princess was born in the birthing pool, in the birthing centre at Whittington Hospital. With her daddy (trying to force feed me gas & air) and her nana (nervous and unsure how to assist me through my pain) at my side my 6lb 5oz purple bundle floated away from me. I picked her up and held her close just like the midwife said. She also told me to keep her body in the water so she’s kept warm. I however interpreted that as give her an early christening and dunk her back in!!! (eeek sorry Jaejae). None the less we all cried, daddy cut the cord, followed her to be weighed and mummy stayed with me to give me a pat on the back.

Once cleaned up my visitors came in to meet little Jaelyn. Most of which had been with me all day rubbing my back and reassuring me (thanks guys). Once they had gone daddy and I went to sleep in our double bed with our bundle fast asleep in her hospital crib. This was the first day of the rest of my life, she is my life, as long as she’s happy I’m good!!

Fast forward 11 months, a lot and nothing has happened. A lot in a sense of my chaotic personal/love life and nothing in a sense that she still brings me joy and happiness everyday. I wake up to a beautiful smile and slobbery kiss and go to sleep after some bed time snuggles from my favourite person in the whole wide world. It’s just the best feeling when you know you can offer someone a sense of comfort and security all of which i didn’t think i offered to anyone until i had Jaelyn. She learns new things every day and I am only proud to sit back and watch her. No one else can annoy me by throwing food on the floor and make me smile in a split second nor shit (sorry for swearing, it was so bad that i have to use that word) up her clothes to a point where she’s attempting to eat it and I still want to kiss her lips off! (after a few rounds with the wet wipes first of course).

I partly miss the old me. No more get up and go or decide that i want to go out with my girlies. Now it takes an hour or so to leave the house due to food, nappy bags, bottle preps etc or I have to be super organised from the night before. I miss the old me where i had some time to myself, I could lock myself in my room and be alone with my thoughts instead I have someone permanently permanently glued to my hips. I have to give her to my mum and sneak off to get a quick hour or so. I miss my wardrobe space and the space i would have had in my new bedroom, for someone so small she has A LOT of stuff!!

But…I’m happy and looking forward to all our upcoming adventures and I wouldn’t change it for the world!!

This has been my shortened journey from the end of pregnancy to the beginning and never ending motherhood! (does that sentence even make sense??? :-s )

Bye for now xxx